GSOE 9111-Group Work


You could select one problem from below for your group project.

You can design your own problem with relevance to the core course content.

You should address the combined techno-economic-political-environmental impact analysis in your solution.

Your group is expected to suggest an energy storage solution for one of the following requests:

1) Tesla needs new power solutions for a)EVs and b) Powerwalls. be notified with the differences between EV power and Residential storage.

2) Boeing needs reliable and safe power supply for their airplanes. you can refer to the previous incident with Boeing 787 battery.

3) A healthcare company is developing personal carewares that need wearable personal power station with light-weight, stretchable,foldablecompressable water-proof properties:

4) NSW government is calling for holistic power supply for wireless electric trains to run on light rails

5) Inland of Queensland is seeking for new techniques that can convert the solar electricity to chemicals for long-term storage. Analyze the geological and

environmental conditions during your study, such as the available resources (water. biomass, wind, etc.) and the transportation/storage options.

6) An integrated wind/tide power station at Sydney near-shore area needs new storage solutions for the electricity to replace the current battery storage. Thein

concern is the low capacity and high cost of the battery. They needs solution that is more economically viable and powerful.

Instruction on Group Project

1. Instruction on Group Report

1) Report Struicture essentially should contain these sections:Aim(s),Background Motivation, Significance,Benefit and Technical content.

2) Technical content refers to the proposed solution for a selected energy storage problem. lt should contain relevant information to demonstrate the creativity of the solution by benchmarking against background technologies.The presentation should clearly explain the technical methodologyand feasibility.A combined analysis on economic-political-environmental impact is expected.

3) Report length is strictly limited to 10 pages including summary, main and reference. Appendix is permitted and is not counted for the 10 pages.

4) Individual contribution is tabulated as a separate Appendix section in the Group Report.

Should you have further specific questions, please refer to course outline, marking criteria, or contact me(

